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In general in a sentence

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Sentence count:278+6Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: generallyin the mainSimilar words: the general publicgenerategeneration gapgenerousmineralfuneralgenegeneticMeaning: adv. without distinction of one from others. 
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211. In general this only a problem if you want to change leads with a weaker climber.
212. In general it was almost exclusively extreme right-wing elements who were first involved, but they tended to be of two distinct types.
213. In general my children refuse to eat anything that hasn't danced on television. Erma Bombeck 
214. Wall Street analysts say waste companies in general have steady cash flows, making it easier to service higher levels of debt.
215. Postgraduate and post-experience diplomas and certificates are, in general, designed for students with a wider range of academic backgrounds and experience.
216. Suppose that in general, the ball is seen at a random angle in three dimensions, rather than two.
217. The third rule is that in general it is better to tax than to borrow.
218. Such a projection does not in general preserve causal relations.
219. In general, then, decoration became outlawed as buildings without ornament were seen as works of art in their own right.
220. In general, ferns like organically enriched, moist but well-draining soil on the acid side.
221. In general, as the Finniston report made clear, there is widespread public confusion about this.
222. In general, the consumption of animal products has decreased while the consumption of plant products increased during recent years.
223. Any weakening of the stratospheric inversion would affect convective processes and atmospheric circulation in general, thereby affecting weather and climate.
224. Social history Studies of the Miners' Strike have in general focused on their national political dimensions.
225. In general riders don't like chicanes, especially the slower ones.
226. This assistance inevitably spilled over as an increase in general prosperity for the ordinary Milanese city dweller.
227. There is a powerful argument for saying that, in general, it should be subject to the rules of administrative law.
228. The same note of emotional catharsis was sounded by the Romantic poets in general, after the desiccation of late neoclassicism.
229. Ostrander nursed a burning anger about terrorists in general.
230. The dog was similar in general a spaniel.
231. In general,( be upbeat and positive. Never be negative.
232. In general, authorities on sleepwalking agree with her.
233. Freedom of religious belief was not in general tolerated.
234. Intelligence and smartness in general is fundamentally prediction machinery.
235. I like meat in general, and mutton in particular.
236. In general they can select from table 1 transporter butylacralate.
237. Soil temperature ( Ts ) was 12~28℃ . Air relative humidity ( RH ) was 43~ 91 % in general.
238. In general, uterine fibroids cause no problems and seldom require treatment.
239. Such missions could shed light on the origins of life in general.
240. In truth, Mrs Gradgrind's stock of facts in general was woefully defective.
More similar words: the general publicgenerategeneration gapgenerousmineralfuneralgenegeneticenergylisteneroverallliberalfederalafter allseveralliterallyvulnerablesingerfingeroperatingsomething elsesceneagentgenrebeneathbenefitrangeangeloxygengently
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